Thursday, March 31, 2011

Just some good churning

churnOn logo:
This week, thus far, we have churned about taking initiative and responsibility, the word 'afflatus' and the very engaging DeLoss Dodds. You may have noticed that I recently added a logo on The inspiration (afflatus) for the design came from my dad, who called to say, "If it's not butter yet, keep on churning." Actually he said, "If it ain't butter yet, keep on churning," but then quickly corrected himself as he knew his mom (the English teacher) would not be accepting of the slang. Lucy, my 11 year old daughter, then went to work and quickly sketched out ways to use the letters 'c' and 'o' in the form of an old fashioned butter churner. (I hope I did not have to spell that out!) Then it was off to the very talented Allison McDougall, my graphic designer and a graduating senior at St. Edward's University here in Austin.
Coming soon on The Churn: The six characteristics of successful selling - ELU times two.

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