Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ELU Squared: Be unique and extraordinary

ELU to the power of two:
Every top producing sales person I have ever encountered fits into the category of being both 'unique' and 'extraordinary'. I read recently that top sales people might be some of the most insecure people in the world, ranking just behind aspiring actors. When you never know where the next sale is coming from and when the entire organization is depending on the sales team to deliver results, it is easy to feel insecure. Not to mention, the willingness to stake your earning potential on your ability to close sales. In some ways, a sales person needs to be like a good actor or actress, able to 'turn on' energy, kindness, charm, and persuasiveness throughout the sales process.

This week we will explore ways in which top producers are unique and extraordinary. Some of these characteristics may be viewed as less than flattering by others within the organization. For example, top sales people know that in order to perform at a high level, they need to be either on the phone selling or in the field selling. I do not know any top sales people who enjoy internal meetings or long drawn out internal conversations. While this can be seen as impatience or lack-of-respect, it is really competitiveness and a burning desire to be out selling. It also should be noted that more often than not, the top sales person is not necessarily the master of the CRM system. Selling is more a right brain skill, then a left brain skill. Perfection with the CRM system is in direct contrast to 'what can I do to close the next sale?'

If you are in sales, ask yourself if you are unique and extraordinary (i.e. not ordinary)? What defines you as a sales person? Are you always churning on the inside, worried about where the next big one is coming from? Are you quirky in any way? Competitive? If you answered 'no' to the yes/no questions in this list, then you might want to rethink your line of work!


Unknown said...

Sir you always lift me up and make me think at the sametime. Thank you.

Bill Stoetzel

G. Page Singletary said...

Thank you! That means a lot coming from my first friend in the security business and a true champion salesman.